
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

AQW Trainers Le Bot 4 2

Aqw Le Bot 4.2 (New) 

I can confirm this is 100% safe, HOWEVER use at your own risk!
Current features(press F2 to show):
  • Lag Killer;
  • Bot Manger(press F3 to open);
  • Bot Cloud(press F4 to open);
  • Packet Spammer(press F5 to open);
  • Auto use boosts(XP, CP, Gold and Rep);
  • Trade Voucher for Diamond.
  • ‘Rest if HP is less than’ button;
  • Get boosts(XP, CP, REP and GOLD);
  • Load Quest;
  • Load Shop;
  • Minimize to tray;
Botting features:
  • 1vs1 Trophies;
  • Alchemy Rep;
  • Ancient Vitae;
  • Arcangrove Rep;
  • Alchemy reagents;
  • Banished XP & Gold;
  • Combat Trophies;
  • Chronospan Rep;
  • Dinocaves XP
  • Dark Crystal Shards Bot(I recommend you bot on a full server like Twilly or Cysero, otherwise killing Vath will be tough!);
  • Doomwood rep;
  • Dwakel Gold;
  • Dwarfhold rep;
  • Escherion Helm bot[member & non-member];
  • Etherstorm Airstorm rep;
  • Etherstorm war rep;
  • Evil War(nulgath & Dage, member & non-mem)[Sord pickup added];
  • Fishing XP Bot(READ THE INFO BELOW);
  • Good & Evil + Tainted gem(requires rank 4 in both);
  • Horc rep;
  • Legion Insanely Insane bot;
  • Legion tokens(Soul Collector and non Soul Collector)(Screen Hopping added);
  • Lycan rep;
  • Mana Golem bot;
  • Mythsong rep;
  • Spirit Orbs Bot;
  • Swag Tokens for non-members;
  • Swag Tokens (Auto conversion to A added!)[member only];
  • Sandsea rep;
  • Skyguard Rep[member only];
  • Tainted Gems;
  • Totems of Nulgath bot[Member & non-Member];
  • Troll Rep;
  • Troll + Horc;
  • Undead Pirates XP bot;
  • Vampire rep;
  • Yokai rep;
Supported Classes:
■ Acolyte
■ Alpha Pirate
■ Assassin
■ Barber
■ Bard
■ Beast Warrior
■ Berserker
■ Beta Berserker
■ Blood Ancient
■ CardClasher
■ Chaos Shaper
■ Chronomancer
■ ClawSuit
■ Darkside
■ Dark Caster
■ DeathKnight
■ Defender
■ DoomKnight
■ Dragonlord
■ Dragonslayer
■ Elemental Dracomancer
■ Enforcer
■ Evolved ClawSuit
■ Evolved Shaman
■ Giftbox
■ Guardian
■ Healer
■ Horc Evader
■ Leprechaun
■ Mage
■ MindBreaker
■ Necromancer
■ Ninja
■ Paladin
■ Pirate
■ Protosartorium
■ Pumpkin Lord
■ Pyromancer
■ Ranger
■ Renegade
■ Rogue
■ Rustbucket
■ Shaman
■ Skyguard Grenadier
■ Sorcerer
■ Starlord
■ Troll Spellsmith
■ UndeadSlayer
■ Vampire
■ Vindicator Of They
■ Warlord
■ Warrior
■ Witch


Version 4.2 – 29/08/2012:
  • Added non-mem Swag Tokens bot;
  • Added support for Horc Evader and Dark Caster;
  • Added a Skill Editor;
  • Changed the Evilwar bot, now it bots on the first room;
  • Added ‘up’ and ‘down’ buttons for the Bot Manager.

Download Le Bot 4.2


Selamat Mencoba!!!

Credits : JamesRs Place

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